Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Whitney and Bobby divorce

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown are divorced…..finally. What took these two crack heads so long. They should have divorced after the day they got married. Their marriage was a disaster from day one. People warned Whitney not to marry that no talent bastard. But Whitney wouldn’t listen. Soon Bobby introduced her to his local drug dealer and Whitney stopped singing and started snorting. Their marriage was worser than Al Bundy’s. At least Al and Peg never did drugs and act crazy in public. Every time Whitney and Bobby were in public, they put on a show like Showtime at the Apollo. I loved watching their show too. There’s nothing better than watching two crack heads acting like crack heads on TV. Sometimes I missed an episode of “CSI” just so I can watch Whitney and Bobby. Now that Whitney and Bobby are divorced, we should ask ourselves a few questions like: Should we feel sorry for them? No. Should we be happy for them? No. Should these two crack heads be in a mental institution? Hell yeah!
Now Whitney wants to sing again. Nooooooo! Whitney Houston can’t sing anymore. The last time she tried to sing she sounded like Kermit the frog. And she was sweating like a basketball player after a playoff game. She hasn’t had a hit single since the war in Kuwait. I still think her marriage to Bobby caused that war too. Bobby is also working on an album. Oh boy. He hasn’t had a hit single since the days of Vanilla Ice.
You know who I feel sorry for in this whole ordeal, Whitney and Bobby’s drug dealer. That drug dealer has lost his two top clients. That drug dealer was making millions from Whitney and Bobby. Now he’s going to be making minimum wage. There’s a lesson to be learned from Whitney and Bobby’s marriage and divorce. Stay away from drugs and crack heads!


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