Saturday, February 13, 2010

Do or Die on V-Day!

Guys, our national holiday (The Super Bowl) was last Sunday. This Sunday is the official holiday for all women. Women look forward to Valentine's Day like it's their birthday. They expect gifts, a card, and more gifts. If you just bring yourself without any gifts, then you better start looking for a new girlfriend. Women will not tolerate any stupidity and irresponsibility on their second birthday. They want you to show them some love by giving them a gift that makes them feel special and important. Just saying "I Love You" isn't going to do it. You have to buy her some flowers, chocolate, and something expensive like a gold necklace. Don't buy her something cheap like a bracelet from a toy machine. She'll hit you over the head with that toy bracelet. If you haven't already, withdraw some money from your bank account and go shopping at Wal-Mart. Because if you don't buy your woman gifts on Valentine's Day, this is what's going to happen to you:

If you think that's bad, this is worse:

Don't let this happen to you on Valentine's Day!


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