Saturday, March 22, 2008

Prostitute of the millenium

Ashley Dupree

Ashley Dupree may become the most famous prostitute since Monica Lewinsky. Ever since this sex scandal broke out with her providing oral services to former New York governor Eliot Spitzer aka client number 9, her career has sky rocketed. She’s being offered movie deals, TV appearances, her Myspace page has a million hits a day (I’ve seen her page a thousand times already). Everybody wants a piece of her, including me. American Idol wants her to come on the show to perform for Simon Cowell. Simon, you’re a lucky man. I know some people don’t agree with what Ashley Dupree does for a living and they despise her for having sex with a married man, but look what it’s done for her. It’s made her a celebrity. She’s on the same page with Britney Spears. She’s a star now! And like the Jeffersons, she’s moving on up to the East side, to a deluxe apartment in the sky. She’s moving on up. I know what she did was illegal and immoral, but who hasn’t had sex for money? We’ve all had sex for money. We may not have noticed it, but we have done it. One of my friends always pays his girlfriend for sex. He gives her $20 after sex as a reward. And I know girls who will have sex with guys for a pack of cigarettes. We’re all prostitutes in some shape or form. People shouldn’t hate or judge Ashley Dupree for what she does and who she is. Prostitutes are people too (Just ask my grandma). They have feelings like everybody else. And they pay their taxes….some of them. They’re just doing their job just like everyone else. But their job requires a little more hands-on work. Let Ashley Dupree enjoy her five minutes of fame. And let the guys enjoy Ashley Dupree. I don’t care if Ashley Dupree is a prostitute. She looks good! I would let her give me Herpes any day. I think she deserves the hooker of the millennium award.


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