Sunday, June 26, 2011

Subway train

I really can't stand riding the subway train anymore. There's crazy, annoying, and dirty people on the subway train. And it's not just one day, it's every day. It's like Resident Evil. Last week I'm on the train and I feel someone kissing me on the neck. It felt so good. I thought which ever girl is doing that I'm going to propose to her right on the spot. So, I turn around and a dirty homeless dude with rotten teeth is smiling at me. I gave him a tiger uppercut. Damn homeless dude was munching on my neck like he's Edward from "Twilight." Disgusting! If there was some way I could ride on top of the subway train instead of in it, that would be heaven. I can't stand being next to these crazy people in the train. Below are some example videos of just what I experience or encounter on the subway train from time to time:


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